Monday, August 24, 2020

Debate About Same-Sex Marriage Essay

One of America’s most discussed gives today is the Same-Sex Marriage. Truth be told, gay marriage has been authorized in nine States in America. Being a piece of the Christian people group, we genuinely differ to this for it is a wrongdoing as we consider it and we don't need to reconsider in repudiating this theme. Be that as it may, it doesn’t hurt to speak a little about this. Same-sex marriage will be authorized is most nations sometime in the future. The unavoidable are being deferred by the ages who go before us and oversee our properties. A ton of youngsters don't understand the tremendousness, all things considered, We heard many individuals state that they acknowledge homosexuality, yet that they don’t imagine that the entire â€Å"marriage† thing is significant.. All things considered, it clearly is. Since when marriage occurs, the things on an individual level are not simply the ones influenced. One’s account, future, status, protection, contract, thus a lot more will likewise be influenced. In the event that the administration doesn't perceive your equivalent sex accomplice as your significant other/spouse, a great deal of entangled circumstances, as far as desk work and equity, will emerge. Furthermore, that’s why we think it should be authorized. ‘’Jesus never let out the slightest peep about homosexuality. In the entirety of his lessons about various things †he never said that gay individuals ought to be denounced. I for one think it is fine for gay individuals to be hitched in common ceremonies.’’ †Jimmy Carter. Love has no limits, they state. Be that as it may, when alluding to adore, does that mean the love between a man and a lady or the friendship between two people, in any case the sexuality? By and by, we think, the word ‘sexuality’ from the expression ‘regardless the sexuality’ can be al luded as a limit from the statement ‘’Love has no boundaries,’’ †which ought not be a block in discovering genuine affection. Picture a x-beam photo of two skeletons indicating love by kissing. The second you take a gander at it, you are gradually being confused by the interest on the off chance that it is a young lady and a kid, a kid and a kid, a young lady and a young lady, or even a dark man and a white lady. Simply the effortlessness of the association and the magnificence of the two individuals sharing adoration is all that should matter. Love wins underneath such skin. Be that as it may, the establishment of marriage has customarily been characterized as between a man and a lady. It is accepted that marriage is the association of man and lady, remarkably including the reproduction and raising of kids inside a family. Sanctioning same-sex marriage would debilitate the regard for the genuine meaning of marriage. The lawfulness of marriage has been experiencing a couple of irregularities †having different spouses; being alright of wedding your own family members; the most recent contention, same-sex marriage; and perhaps sooner rather than later, the authorization of wedding a creature. On the off chance that equivalent sex marriage is to be endorsed, it will just beginning a chain response which will in the end ruin the quintessence of marriage. Another drawback would be carried on as a weight and humiliation by their youngster, and an affront menaces can use against them. That is, if at any point a gay family anticipates receiving their own youngster. The youngster will have such a significant number of inquiries †why he has two dads or perhaps why he has two moms, why he doesn't have a typical family. Regardless of how intensive and justifiable their clarification is, if the kid sees an ordinary family forms: a mother, a dad, and a youngster, and he/she knows that solitary a man and a lady can hold up under kids, at that point interest and disarray will simply hit their kid harder. Being a piece of the Christian people group, we accept that marriage is for people and fellowship is for two people of a similar sexuality. Indeed, adoring a similar sexual orientation doesn't hurt anybody, yet it simply doesn't speak to the way of life we have learned and have been instructed. God has made lady for man, and man for lady. Withstanding to His standard is a demonstration of corruption. Marriage is of the seven holy observances Catholic Church. It isn't something an individual can simply design the day preceding and do the following day. It is all around thought and arranged for. For this is a responsibility not exclusively to your accomplice yet in addition to God. Essentially, we support of gay connections yet not gay marriage.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Audience Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Crowd Analysis - Essay Example This thusly places a large portion of them in a tantamount social-financial status. Lion's share are understudies and either jobless or doing low maintenance occupations. As far as interests, there is the part of legislative issues and religion. My crowd is involved youngsters who have suppositions on essentially everything. They do acknowledge legislative issues, possibly not likewise however. Concerning religion, it is all various; they have a place with differed strict gatherings from Christians, to Muslims to nonbelievers. I would state that by and by, I am very like my crowd in all viewpoints; a definitive explanation behind the association. By and large, I expect that my crowd will be keen to my report and me. This is on the grounds that I voice the worries of a considerable lot of them. They are just youth who look to be heard by the specialists. They do have necessities and desires; want for better training, better employments, and better ways of life. Maybe quite possibly they may debate my assessment of practicing persistence with the specialists as they are on the whole out of it. I do trust however that they will discover expectation and inspiration in the way that I will represent them. My perusers are very much aware of insights about my subject as it influences them legitimately. Thusly, they won’t have an issue with appreciation. We as a whole communicate in a similar language as we have a place with a comparable connection. I will attempt to utilize straightforward enough language for everyone’s comfort. I understand that they may have issues about how I will practice common sense with my record. I intend to deal with this before composing

Friday, July 24, 2020

Cover Trend That One Serif Font

Cover Trend That One Serif Font I love me a good book cover trend. This is one youve seen everywhere. Its similar to the big cover trend of 2018, outlined by Literary Hub, but with one tweak. Instead of a big, bold sans-serif font on a vibrant background, these have a serif font on a solid background. Simple. Gorgeous. Its a good trend, Brent. The majority of the books with this treatment are non-fiction by and about white women, with a few exceptions. If you flip through a list of feminist works of 2018, a good chunk of them will fit this cover trend. I guess its a ~girly~ look? Its also the go-to font for a lot of fashion blogs right now. It seems like the trend got started in 2017, with these two: The Girl in the Show: Three Generations of Comedy, Culture, Feminism by Anna Fields Sex Rage by Eve Babitz But THEN 2018 happened, and, hoo boy, have we got a lot of them. Lets take a gander. Also, sorry (not sorry) in advance, but you will be finding this cover trend everywhere now. Black Swans by Eve Babitz Conscience: A Novel by Alice Mattison The Dakota Winters by Tom Barbash Dead Girls: Essays on Surviving an American Obsession by Alice Bolin Dictionary Stories: Short Fictions and Other Findings by Jez Burrows Feminasty: The Complicated Womans Guide to Surviving the Patriarchy Without Drinking Herself to Death by Erin Gibson From the Corner of the Oval by Beck Dorey-Stein Horse: A Novel by Talley English MI5 and Me: A Coronet Among the Spooks by Charlotte Bingham Man with a Seagull on His Head by Harriet Paige Penis Envy and Other Bad Feelings: The Emotional Costs of Everyday Life by Mari Ruti Putney by Sofka Zinovieff She Called Me Woman: Nigerias Queer Women Speak, edited by Azeenarh Mohammed, Chitra Nagarajan, ?Aisha Salau Small Fry by Lisa Brennan-Jobs Someone Has Led This Child to Believe: A Memoir by Regina Louise Tell Me Lies by Carola Lovering Unwifeable: A Memoir by Mandy Stadtmiller Note that I *do* work in book design, but Im not, like, super savvy in the world of typefaces, so dont @ me about these not all being exactly Bodoni Old Style Bold. THEYRE CLOSE. Other book trends this year: floral fiction, ultra violet YA, and the art of YA book titles.

Friday, May 22, 2020

The Struggle For Identity And Freedom In Robert Chopins...

One of the most important themes of the The Awakening is the struggle for identity and freedom. Edna Pontellier, a wealthy women living in late 19th-century New Orleans, attempts to pursue independence from her marriage and motherhood. The novel takes place in two different locations: Grande Isle, on the coast of Louisiana, and New Orleans. Each of these two distinct settings reflect a particular part of Edna’s journey and advance her character in various ways. While staying on Grande Isle, Edna experiences the Creole culture dominant there, which allows her to spend time alone around Robert Lebrun even though she is a married woman. The Creole culture is a shock to Edna: â€Å"A characteristic which distinguished [the Creoles] and which†¦show more content†¦She must be a â€Å"mother-woman†, a woman who â€Å"idolized their children, worshipped their husbands, and esteemed it a holy privilege to efface themselves as individuals and grow wings as ministering angels† (Chopin, 10). Edna often does not conduct herself in a way that a woman at the time is expected to; she is not devoted to her husband or dedicated to taking care of her children. This aspect of the setting is crucial to the novel; during this time period, Edna is expected to be a dutiful wife and mother, which she does not want to do. Furthermore, she cannot divorce her husband, as she knows it will severely hurt her children. Therefore, Edna struggles between her identity and her desire for independence while balancing the expectations and restraints of society during that time. Enda tries once more to find a sense of identity in what she terms the â€Å"pigeon house†, a smaller house in New Orleans that she wishes to inhabit. This new house, separate from her husband, her children, and her life at her family home, is important to Edna’s search for her identity. When visiting the pigeon house, it is clear what effect the house has on Edna: â€Å"Every step which she took toward relieving herself from obligations added to her strength and expansion as an individual. She began to look with her own eyes. . .† (Chopin, 127). However, even with the addition of the pigeon house, Edna cannot escape the expectations of society,Show MoreRelatedThe Awakening Analysis997 Words   |  4 PagesChopin The Awakening, the main character Edna is conflicted with her urges and what society expects of her. The novel was written to challenge the stereotypical rules that controlled the roles of men and women. The Awakening was published in 1899, and was set in the Creole part of Louisiana, and during this time women were still considered to be the property of their husbands. The woman had no say so in any conversation they could only go with what thier husbands wanted. The Awakening is story thatRead MoreSummary Of The Melting Pot Of A Complex Cultural 1052 Words   |  5 PagesLollis Mrs. Amanda Eron English 2340 17 July 2015 The Identity Crisis In the melting pot of a complex cultural, Mrs. Edna Pontellier is a married woman to a rich, successful business man. In this society, women are expected to perform household duties, obey their husbands’ commands, and above all else, take care of the children. It is often sought out to marry men of success, as this will secure a financial future. Furthermore, according to The Awakening, it was not uncommon for a man to run off to attendRead More Awakening Essay2422 Words   |  10 Pages When Kate Chopins The Awakening was published at the end of the 19th Century, many reviewers took issue with what they perceived to be the authors defiance of Victorian proprieties, but it is this very defiance with which has been responsible for the revival in the interest of the novel today. This factor is borne out by Chopins own words throughout her Preface -- where she indicates that women were not recipients of equal treatment. (Chopin, Preface ) Edna takes her own life at the booksRead More feminaw Seeking a New Identity for Women in The Awakening Essay1461 Words   |  6 PagesSeeking a New Identity for Women in  The Awakening      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In The Awakening, Chopin questions gender roles. Chopin seeks an identity for women that is neither wife nor mother. To achieve this end, she incorporates progressive feminist ideas into her writing. Yet, in the end, Chopin also shows that, because of years of conditioning, many women are unable to escape society’s stereotypical roles by any satisfactory means. The protagonist of the novel, Edna Pontellier, does not possess the skillsRead MoreKate Chopin s The Awakening Controversial Protagonist1663 Words   |  7 PagesKate Chopin’s The Awakening controversial protagonist - Edna Pontellier - lives a personally unsatisfying life with her idealistically perfect husband; a marriage that exists solely on the satisfaction of the Creole society they live in. In the beginning of the novel, she starts to struggle with the dominance of her outer identity that consists of how everyone sees her as the beautiful wife to a perfect, rich husband. But, when she is a lone or with Robert, she begins to self-reflect on her innerRead MoreAn Analysis Of Kate Chopin s Chopin 1690 Words   |  7 PagesKate Chopin lived a rather traditional life as a housewife until her husband’s untimely death, which significantly changed the course of her life. Chopin s career as a writer actually began when she started facing financial struggles due to the death of her husband. Chopin’s mother persuaded her to move back to St. Louis, but unfortunately she passed away soon after, which left Chopin alone and helpless once again. Chopin was actually told by a family friend and obstetrician that writing might helpRead More Kate Chopins Awakening - Edna Pontellier as Master of Her Destiny3367 Words   |  14 PagesKate Chopins The Awakening, the main character, Edna leaves her husband to find place in the world. Edna believes her new sexually independent power will make her master of her own life. But, as Martin points out, she has overestimated her stre ngth and is still hampered by her limited ability to direct her energy and to master her emotions (22). Unfortunately, Edna has been educated too much in the traditions of society and not enough in reason and independent survival, admitting to Robert thatRead MoreEssay about Restrictions of Society in The Awakening2019 Words   |  9 Pages Edna Pontellier’s Struggle for Freedom in The Awakening by Kate Chopin In Kate Chopin’s novel, The Awakening, the constant boundaries and restrictions placed on Edna Pontellier by society will lead to her struggle for freedom and her ultimate suicide. Her husband Leonce Pontellier, the current women of society, and the Grand Isle make it evident that Edna is trapped in a patriarchal society. Despite these people, Edna has a need to be free and she is able to escape from the society that sheRead MoreEssay on Kate Chopin1553 Words   |  7 PagesControversial Feminist nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Kate Chopin was one of the greatest and earliest feminist writers in history, whose works have inspired some and drawn much criticism from others. Chopin, through her writings, had shown her struggle for freedom and individuality. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Katherine (O’Flaherty) Chopin was born February 8, 1851 to a wealthy Irish Catholic Family in St. Louis, Missouri (â€Å"Kate Chopin† 1). Her father, Thomas O’Flaherty, was a founder of the PacificRead MoreEdna Pontellier Analysis1868 Words   |  8 Pagesdevelopment, Mrs. Pontellier exhibits characteristics that would not be deemed as acceptable behavior from a married woman of the late 1800’s as American society is beginning to see a shift into the Industrial Revolution. Throughout Kate Chopin’s The Awakening, Edna Pontellier undergoes several episodes of bipolar behavior through her activities and her family life that leads to her suicide. This analysis outlines the externalizations of her radical thoughts as a married women and how they contrast

Thursday, May 7, 2020

The True Meaning of Dante´s Inferno Essay - 1610 Words

Religious people always fear that they will not make it to Heaven or the place their God resides. The bible and other religious text give advice on how to avoid the pain of Hell. Dante Alighieri, a famous Italian poet, wrote about the physical description of Hell and the punishments each sinner would receive for their sins. Although The Divine Comedy chronicles Dantes journey from the depths of Hell to the glory of Heaven it contains a deeper meaning. Dante reveals the true meaning of the Inferno through his leading motif, his interactions between the sinners, and the intertwining of other literary works into the Inferno. The repeated motif of the number three is used to represent the Holy Trinity and all things holy. The first†¦show more content†¦This indulgent type of behavior is seen in the sinners in the second through sixth circle of hell. The lion represents the sin of violence. Dante describes the lion as approaching with a ravenous hunger. Even the air was afraid o f the lion. Dante choose the lion to represent violence because they are known as the kings of the jungle. Their powerful legs and long teeth allow them to quickly take down and kill their prey. Male lions contain pride that causes them to violently fight to remain the head of their pack. This violent behavior can be found in the seventh layer of hell where the tyrants, killers, and war hungry sinners reside. The leopard represents malice. Dante choose the leopard because they may be the smallest of the four big cats (tiger, lion, jaguar, and leopard) it still has the capability to take down prey up to twice its size. The leopard also is an equal opportunity killer. They will hunt down any prey for food. Some have even been known to attack people on occasion. This type of malicious behavior can be found on the 8th and 9th circles of hell. These two circles of hell contain the worst sinners known to man. Soon after his encounter with the three beasts Dante meets the spirit of his ido l a poet named Virgil. It is h ere that we see another three. Virgil informs him that three women sent him to be Dantes guide. As his guide Virgil leads Dante through the nine circles of hell often with the wordsShow MoreRelatedDante Alighieri : An Italian Poet1552 Words   |  7 PagesDante Alighieri was an Italian poet, originally from Florence experienced economic, political and religious disruption that reflected the town’s struggles. Hardship that he encountered, being the death of his mother, his wife Beatrice until his death in exile. Dante took his pain and suffering and turned it into his inspiration for his poetry. The Blacks seized control of Florence and in 1302 Dante and others were exiled. It was during Dante s exile he faced hardship and was forced to discontinueRead MoreThe Myths Of The Underworld1405 Words   |  6 Pagestake a deeper look at how myths are represented at a psychological level through the importance of death and rebirth.As Dante progresses t hrough the imaginary journey of Hell, Hell’s inferno is represented by the nine regions arranged around the wall of a huge funnel in nine concentric circles. As the hero, Dante starts his journey by losing his way on the true path of life. Dante is then placed on a quest in order to overcome his sins and also to win over the love of â€Å"God†, where he then meets andRead MoreThe Theme Of Good And Evil In Dantes Inferno1517 Words   |  7 PagesDante is a poet who wrote an epic poem called The Divine Comedy. This epic poem is about Dante’s journey as he goes through 3 levels, which he calls Inferno, Purgatory and Paradise. In the Inferno, he meets Virgil, his guide throughout his voyage. They both pass through the nine circles of Hell, where they witness many different punishments for those who have done awful things in their past. Good versus evil is a major theme that occurred throughout Hell. In the Inferno, there are times where DanteRead More The Historical Significance of Dantes Divine Comedy Essay2452 Words   |  10 Pagesjustified, nay invited, by Dante himself when he says; Oh you who have sane intellects Take note of the teaching which is hidden Under the veil of these strange verses Indeed so many are the concepts, moral issues and people hidden under the veil of these strange verses, and due to word count restraints, I must limit myself to just one of its three chapters. The sinners of literature being far more memorable than the saints I will choose `Inferno. On first entering theRead More Canto 18 of The Inferno by Dante Alighieri Essay3791 Words   |  16 PagesCanto 18 of The Inferno by Dante Alighieri It was once said by Marcel Proust that â€Å"We do not receive wisdom, we must discover it for ourselves, after a journey through the wilderness which no one else can make for us, which no one can spare us†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . This journey through the wild to discover wisdom is exactly what transpires in The Inferno by Dante Alighieri. The Inferno is an epic poem that is the first section of a three-part poem called The Divine Comedy. The Inferno is about the narratorRead More Comparing the Struggle in Dante’s Inferno and Book VI of The Aeneid4312 Words   |  18 PagesStruggle in Dante’s Inferno and Book VI of The Aeneid Does hell have its own history? For Dante, the structural and thematic history of ‘hell’ in the Inferno begins with the Roman epic tradition and its champion poet, Virgil. By drawing heavily from the characteristics of hell in Book VI of The Aeneid, Dante carries the epic tradition into the medieval world and affirms his indebtedness to Virgil’s poetry. Moreover, Virgil becomes a central character in the Inferno as he guides Dante, the pilgrimRead MoreThe Hollow Men And The Love Song Of J. Alfred Prufrock Essay1444 Words   |  6 PagesT. S. Eliot’s modernist style critiques the lifestyle of modern society during the Roaring Twenties. He expresses the false values found in society that affects their perception of themselves, and cause them to lose direction in their lives. Through his poems â€Å"The Hollow Men† and â€Å"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock† Eliot explores the modern underlying issues of both society and man as being lost, st agnant, and aimless. He advocates for change through de-romanticizing the human condition via theRead MoreThe Allegory Of The Cave Proposed By Plato1595 Words   |  7 PagesPlato, in the case of the cave, between the prisoner and the instructor, knowledge can’t be transmitted. Every person has different experiences and points of view that would distort the interpretation, thus, having different meanings. Instead, the best way is by directing, meaning that the role of the instructor is to guide its students to what is relevant and important in life, which will allow the student to learn independently. Walking towards the light which can also be perceived as knowledge, isRead MoreAnalysis Of Joseph Conrad s Heart Of Darkness2142 Words   |  9 Pagestheir lives in the far flung places. One might also assert that this literary masterpiece is a thematic description of a spiritual journey to discover the true heart of darkness that lurks beneath every human soul. Thus, in this paper, I intend to show what the author really meant when he said heart of darkness and show how he depicts the true nature of human beings through the use of appropriate structure, imageries, symbols and the narrative frame. The novella is divided into three parts, particularlyRead MoreCritical Analysis: J.Alfred Prufrock2179 Words   |  9 PagesAt the beginning of T. S. Eliot s poem The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, there stands an epigraph from Dantes Inferno, Canto 27. This epigraph unifies the text and brings, through its imagery and context, a deeper understanding of Eliots poem. Prufrock represents both of the characters in this section of the Inferno, corresponding to Dante in the first section and Guido da Montefeltro in the second and third. Dante represents the antithesis of Prufrock as well as the ideal that Prufrock strives

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Personal Values in the Work Place Free Essays

The ten values (both work and personal) that I have chosen are adventure, affection (love and caring), creativity, excitement, friendships, having a family, quality relationships, religion, status, and wealth. Adventure is a component of a valued way of life for me because I feel most alive when I’m taking risks. Bold and risky undertakings are fun. We will write a custom essay sample on Personal Values in the Work Place or any similar topic only for you Order Now Taking chances and daring yourself to push your limits are good for the soul. Creativity is the ability to transcend traditional ideas to create meaningful new ideas! It’s important to me to feel inspired. In the work place, if you use your imagination, you could solve problems that were impossible to solve before. Having a family is a personal value that most people strive for. Families are supportive and will help me in my career. My elder relatives are wise and would advise me in any career move and my younger siblings could cheer for me on the sidelines. Religion does not belong in the work place. However when I spend time in prayer I feel inner peace, which in turn effects my work overall. Religion is a form of mediation for me. Spiritual-mindedness in my personal lives helps me in the work place. Wealth is something from the workplace that will greatly effect my personal life. With a plentiful amount of wealth, my family can feel secure and will be able to focus on other things in life. I don’t want lack of money to prohibit anything in my life. How to cite Personal Values in the Work Place, Papers

Monday, April 27, 2020

The Red Scare Essays - Industrial Workers Of The World,

The Red Scare The tumult and the shouting dies, The captains and the kings depart. -Kipling, The Recessional Mr. Kipling was wrong. War does not always end with the last cry on the battlefield. World War I certainly did not. After the war formally ended on November 18, 1918, there was an ideological war still going on in the US. An ideological war which prompted mass paranoia and caused, among many other things, what would be known as the Red Scare, which began in 1919 and ended in 1921. Red Scare was the label given to the actions of legislation, the race riots, and the hatred and persecution of "subversives" and conscientious objectors during that period of time. It is this hysteria which would find itself repeated several decades later in history when Senator Joeseph R. Macarthy accused high government officials and high standing military officers of being communist. Undoubtedly the most important topic of an investigation into a historical occurrence is its inception. What caused the Red Scare? At the heart of the Red Scare was the conscription law of May 18, 1917, which was put in place during World War I for the armed forces to be able to conscript more Americans. This law caused many problems for the conscientious objector to WWI, because for one to claim that status, one had to be a member of a "well-recognized" religious organization which forbade their members to participation in war. As a result of such unyeilding legislation, 20,000 conscientious objectors were inducted into the armed forces. Out of these 20,000, 16,000 changed their minds when they reached military camps, 1300 went to non-combat units, 1200 gained furloughs to do farm work, and 100 did Quaker relief work in Europe. 500 suffered court-martial, and out of these, 450 went to prison. However, these numbers are small in comparison with the 170,000 draft dodgers and 2,810,296 men who were inducted into the armed forces. Nevertheless, the conscientious objectors were targeted in the Red Scare after the w ar. They were condemned as cowards, pro-German socialists, although that was not everything. They were also accused of spreading propaganda throughout the United States. Very few conscientious objectors stood up for themselves. Roderick Siedenberg, who was a conscientious objector, wrote that "to steal, rape, or murder" are standard peacetime causes for imprisonment, but in time of war "too firm a belief in the words of Christ", and "too ardent a faith in the brotherhood of man" are more acceptable. Some organizations such as the National Civil Liberties Bureau, which would later be renamed the American Civil Liberties Union, took up the task of standing up for the rights of conscientious objectors. Before the war, the NCLB-ACLU opposed American involvement, and afterward defended the rights of the objectors. Later, the ACLU would gain a reputation for helping people with liberal cases who were too poor to pay for their own representation in court. After the real war ended in 1918, the ideological war, which was gaining speed at home, turned against conscientious objectors and other radical minorities such as Wobblies, who were members of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), and Socialists as well. These Wobblies and Socialists were damned as being subversives who were trying to overthrow the United States government. Wobblies, in particular, were persecuted against for speaking out against the capitalist system. Although most of what they said was only to attract attention to their cause, their rhetoric was taken seriously by the government and its officials. From the very beginning of the Red Scare, the Wobblies were the subject of attack by the government, because they were a symbol of radicalism. The government put in place legislation, not only against the Wobblies, but also against Socialists and Communists, due to the fact that the government did not distinguish one of its enemies from another. One such action taken by the government prevented Wobblies who were not yet citizens from naturalization, even if they quit their organization. In 1917, the US government made a law which gave the Secretary of Labor the power to arrest or deport any alien "advocating or teaching" destruction of property or the "overthrow of government by force." Words such